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About the Registry

Middlesex Northern County Registry of Deeds

Billerica. Carlisle. Chelmsford. Dracut. Dunstable. Lowell. Tewksbury. Tyngsborough. Westford. Wilmington

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The Registry of Deeds is one of the most important, yet lesser-known, institutions in our Commonwealth. The Registry processes hundreds of thousands of documents each year and is a key resource for homeowners, real estate professionals, financial institutions, and municipalities.


​The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has 21 registry districts, each directed by an elected Register of Deeds. The Register oversees the day-to-day and longterm responsibilities of the Registry, including receiving and tracking all real estate documents in the district.

A successful Register of Deeds must have a strong understanding how real estate transactions are carried out and experience solving complicated problems at the interaction of law and public policy. Under strong leadership, each Registry of Deeds is a valuable and trusted resource for residents.

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